Hi! I am a third-year graduate student in computer science at Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, supervised by Xiaoming Sun and Jialin Zhang. I have a broad interest in theoretical computer science and quantum computing. Recently, I am working on quantum cryptography and distributed quantum computing.
News: I am looking for PhD positions starting in 25 Fall.
(Authors are listed in alphabetical order unless specified otherwise.)
- Quantum Byzantine Agreement Against Full-Information Adversary [arXiv]
Longcheng Li, Xiaoming Sun, Jiadong Zhu
International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), 2024 - How (not) to Build Quantum PKE in Minicrypt [arXiv]
Longcheng Li, Qian Li, Xingjian Li, Qipeng Liu
Annual International Cryptology Conference (CRYPTO), 2024 - Fast exact synthesis of two-qubit unitaries using a near-minimum number of T gates [DOI]
Longcheng Li (first author), Cheng Guo, Qian Li, Xiaoming Sun
Physical Review A, 107 (4), 042424
I am one of the core contributors to the open-source SDK for quantum computation, which is analogous to Qiskit but specialized in quantum circuit compiling.
Besides, I participated in International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) back when I was an undergrad. We won Gold Medal at ICPC Asia Regional (Jinan) and Silver Medal at ICPC Asia East-Continent Final. My max Codeforces rating is 2083.
I play piano. My (current) favorite composer is Nikolai Kapustin.